Pg 1a: See these lower ends of red mangrove prop roots up close... Certainly amongst Flora’s most ingenious creations. Roots to anchor and breathe. Roots for support and expansion.
<Close-up image of a mangrove aerial root a foot or so above  ground and water, serving as air supplier.> <Top right, image of a splendid prop root specimen, already partially bathing with the tides.>
This splendid specimen is breathing as well,
and already partially bathing with the tides.
Still high and dry, a foot or so above
ground and water, serving as air intakes.
<Bottom left image shows a mangrove aerial root which has gotten a foothold in the sand to slowly dig deeper.>
<Bottom right picture we see a small array <br>
of arching support branches in stages of anchoring into sand at a beach>
This prop root has gotten a foothold
in the sand and is slowly digging deeper.
Subject to survival, the other 3 will become arching support branches as in this image.
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